La democratizzazione degli strumenti di lavoro e dei mezzi di diffusione. Linee di ricerca sul futuro dell’animazione audiovisiva, alla luce delle recenti applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale

Pubblicato 21-01-2025
Parole chiave
- animazione,
- machine learning,
- sistemi di raccomandazione,
- platform economy,
- media industry studies
As the audiovisual industry evolves, technological and creative innovation influence each other. Technologies such as machine learning, introduced into the audiovisual sector no more than fifteen years ago, have already reached maturity and have imposed themselves on public debate, on the one hand, for the use of open source software and automation technologies within production processes, on the other, for the pervasiveness of recommendation algorithms and video sharing platforms within the distribution landscape and the audience’ habits. This is particularly true for the animation, which is strongly connected to both the software industry and the intergenerational public, and for that reason an interesting observation point on the future of cinema. The effects of AI applications are yet to be verified, due to the contemporaneity of this phenomenon. However, on the basis of an analysis of industry and public behaviors, the article aims to outline potential areas of research on the impacts on the labor market, on training, on creativity, on competition and on the visibility of animated audiovisual content.