La costruzione della CER in modo partecipativo con il metodo Conscious Contracts. Il caso del Comune di Povegliano Veronese

Pubblicato 21-01-2025
Parole chiave
- Renewable Energy Community,
- Conscious Contracts
Is it possible to establish a Renewable Energy Community (CER) in a truly participatory way? How to involve citizens and public and private stakeholders in a process that sees them as protagonists and not just users of the constitutive process and the writing of the statute? These are crucial questions for a nascent CER, since they can orient it towards a horizontal dimension of organization, generating relationships of co-responsibility, or, on the contrary, towards (usual) top-down logics. A tool that allows people to actively involve in the construction of CERs and to obtain the social benefits required by law is that of Conscious Contracts for the creation of conscious agreements. In the article we describe how the Municipality of Povegliano Veronese, in the province of Verona, Italy, promoted a participatory process to establish a CER in its territory with the Conscious Contracts method.